Saturday, September 6, 2008

As I was when I was six years old

My trip to the grocery store today was partially an excuse to be outside in the rain. The water on Kalorama came up to my ankles; I was immediately drenched, delighted. I don't know if my love for dramatic weather started in Australia, when the rain would turn the dirt paths to rivers in seconds and I would stare out the screen windows practically giggling with amazement, or whether it started further back... I can't remember when anything started lately. I have this urge to know which characteristics are current personality fads and which are my essence, my soul. I've tried to piece it together from my old journals, conversations with long-time friends, even a movie Eryk said reminded him of me.
Today I finished Atmospheric Disturbances. From the book: "...whenever I feel sad, the sad feeling tends to manifest in my seeing humans (myself included) as orangutans. A human ordering coffee, a human offended when someone cuts in line, a human sprinting to refill a parking meter - in my moods all those people are orangutans... it makes all the humans (with their loves, their hates, their haircuts, their beloved unconsciouses) seem sublimely ridiculous".

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